Taikos pr. 141, LT-94284, Klaipeda
Mob. +370 685 58698
For Au Pair families
Name: | |
Adress: | |
Home phone: | |
Mobile phone: | |
Office phone: | |
Office e-mail: | |
Husband/Partners occupation: | |
Wife/Partners occupation: | |
Hours away from home: | |
Husband/Partners nationality | |
Wife/Partners nationality | |
Names, ages and sexes | |
Do any of the children have | |
Is a new baby expected? | |
Family hobbies and interests: | |
Family pets: | |
Type of help required: | |
Live in or daily: | |
Full or part time: | |
Will employee be required | |
Date required from: | |
Duration of stay: | |
Do you require a driver? | |
Manual/Auto: | |
Use of car when of duty: | |
Would you like a non-smoker? | |
Will employee accompany | |
Specify daily duties and hours of work as follows: | |
Mornings: | |
Afternoons/Evenings: | |
Babysitting evenings per week: | |
Days off/Free time: | |
How many weeks per annum paid | |
What net salary is offered? | |
Describe employyes accommodation: | |
Describe your home: | |
Distance from home to town: | |
Local transport: | |
Domestic help employed | |
Please add any comments wich | |
How did you hear about our agency? | |
Would you mind if we passed your | Yes No |
Please give the name and adress | |
I have read and accept the terms and conditions of business of “Litaupa ir Ko” and declare that the above details given are correct.* | |
Signed | |
* — necessary to fill | |